The Hungarian Cindy Hope is a very prolific actress who adds a priceless contribution to our industry.
The 5´4 inch big power packet has over 170 movies under her belt since she entered in 2007. Her stunning beauty and her easy-going personality are maybe some reasons why she is still active. Since 2009 she was nominated every year at the AVN Awards in different categories. This is the proof that her work is more than respected by others. So enjoy her interview with us and check our website www.private.com for high quality scenes with her.
Cindy, you had before you entered into porn a quite normal job as a salesperson. How did you became a porn star?
I was young and I felt that there was more to get out of life. I discovered that my body was able to handle better than others. I made a few movie and from then on there was no stopping and i received more and more requests. I was very happy and pleased with it all and from then on there was no stopping!

You mentioned you like to watch perverse kinds of porn. What does this mean?
Well this is kind of funny, I love to watch kinky porn, but i never will do it myself I just like to watch.its just a fantasy i have. But one small detail, I am not really perverse myself..well I leave it up to your imagination
Any funny stories from the set of any porn movies you’ve shot?
I always have a lot of fun but the most memorable thing was when i was with Peter North and he just came on my head, maybe you know how strong his ejaculations are, and then we both started to laugh during the shooting and we just couldn`t stop.

What sex tricks have you learnt from shooting porn that you’ve taken back into your personal sex life?
I do not have any tricks, I’m so good that I do not need it (laughs)
You mentioned that you’re always getting nervous before shooting a scene – How do you manage your nerves?
I’m very nervous before every shoot because I always wish to make the perfect scene and do not want to make mistakes. I try to calm myself telling myself i have done already a lot and that i need to believe in myself. If i was not any good they would not all be calling me.
Tell us about the best sexual experience you’ve had.
The best with my boyfriend but in the movie with Blue Angel. we were like a fountain of love and and we were eating each other during a long long scene..we just did not wanted to stop.

How does a guy or girl get you into bed?
It depends if i want to have sex with a girl or a boy. On shootings i prefer girls for example and in real life i prefer boys. But in general we both have to click
You said that your fetish is old men and young girls. What do you like about old men and young girls?
Its only a fantasy i like to watch, but i guess its the difference in age which makes it so compelling. Maybe i have some daddy issues too (laughs)

What’s your dream porn shoot?
I just want people to enjoy my movies and me. I am happy if i create pleasure for people.
What have you taken from your personal life and put into your work in porn?
I am very friendly and easy going girl—also at work and I have learned to respect work whatever it is. And stay who you are

Thank you very much Cindy